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Learning how to fly...

✈️✨ Ready for takeoff! Today marks my first steps into the skies as a budding pilot. 🚀🌤️ Can't wait to embrace the thrill of flying and chase after clouds! 🌈🙌
#PilotInTraining #SkyHighDreams

Learning from the Flight Instructor.

✈️✨ I’ve just completed my flying lessons and officially learned how to fly! My flight instructor was amazing, and I’m thrilled to have achieved this milestone. Can’t wait to tell you more about it! 🌈🙌
#PilotInTraining #SkyHighDreams

Harmony Team is a group of licensed financial adviser representatives and an authorised representative of Infinitum Financial Advisory Pte Limited (Co Reg. No. 199100483Z) - Copright© HarmonyTeam 2024 v2.020